>> 课程描述

学期 课程类别 课程代码 # 课程名称
2020 CHEM 021 General Chemistry II
班级 课程周期 上课日期 Syllabus
1 4周 周一至周六 CHEM-021


CHEM 021 is the continuous study of general chemistry course based on CHEM 011. This course is designed to help students get a comprehensive understanding on the principles and applications in the filed of general chemistry. Through the semester, students will explore the following topics: Chemical Kinetics, Acid and Base, chemical thermodynamics, equilibrium, electrochemistry and nuclear chemistry. Students will learn about the scope, methodology, and application of chemistry. This course aims to help students apply the analytical and quantitative skills learned to explain the physical world and for their future studies in advanced chemistry.


CHEM 011